Saturday, May 30, 2020

How to Squeeze the Fun Out of College Visits

As an upperclassman in high school, one of the many things plaguing your mind is college; where to go, how to get in, and what it will be like. One way to narrow down the hundreds of options you have is to visit colleges that you think you might like. This experience can be tedious, boring, overwhelming, and interesting all at the same time, but one thing it has to be is fun. Having fun while stressing about your future school may sound challenging, but it is certainly possible, and if you look in the right places, easy. One way to get the most out of your visit is to explore the local restaurants and college foods of the town. Ask around to get an idea of where the students eat regularly, and also where they take their parents when they’re visiting and willing to pay for a meal. Make sure to check out a variety of places, as sometimes the small, crowded, and seemingly bland eateries are the best in town. Don’t just stick to the dining hall food, but make sure you g et a small taste of what the food on your meal plan will be, or your taste buds might be sorely disappointed if the food is no good when you decide to live there for four years. Mixing up your usual eating habits and trying new foods is an easy thing to do on and around a college campus, so take advantage of that when you visit. As you wander around a college town, imagine yourself sitting on the quad, having a picnic with your friends, or bringing your parents to a nice dinner. Imagine yourself having a late night snack in the dining hall, or indulging in free hot cocoa or popsicles around campus. In the food-centric world we live in today, food is absolutely a major factor in deciding what college you want to attend, because food makes up who we are and how we socialize. Without food, there are no pizza parties, no Insomnia Cookies, and no special college eateries. So look closely when you visit, because the answer to where you will go to school might be right under your nose.

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